Don’t just buy power, make it !
The SkavenjiBox enables you to produce and use your very own energy, as freely and easily as you would grow tomatoes on a balcony.
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We can all become energy makers
With Skavenji, you finally have the means to generate your own, homemade, clean power and work your energy consumption down.
Little space available ? On a budget ? No worries, the whole point is that we can all make an impact !
Clean power matching your values
The SkavenjiBox is plug-and-play : it easily sits at home, in an office space or a classroom ; all you have to do is connect it to a solar panel, a DIY wind turbine, a home trainer, any source you like, and you are all set.
Got an idea, wonder how much electric power it could yield ? Just do it ! Build, connect, test a wild new power source… and enjoy your fresh energy supply !
Imagine, make, build and make your solutions open source
We believe energy is so important that it should be everyone’s business. Get inspired by others’ ideas, and share your own within the Community.
Sick of greenwashing getting in the way ? Join us and help build a fresh new energy ecosystem that does care about conservation, scavenging and reuse !
Make your own difference in the Transition
Monitor your personal production and impact in terms of energy and CO2 savings, challenge yourself and strive for environmental improvement.
Skavenji’s design aims for durability and sustainability : repairability, reusability, lowering resource use and lifecycle waste are at the center of our philosophy. The rest is up to you !